Speed training (start with strength)

Ok so let me talk about speed development for a while. A reason why I have such a focus on speed throughout this blog is because, well, what sports player couldn’t do with a little extra speed and quickness? As regards to the development of speed, I will always believe that the first step towards gaining speed in the long term, is through strength. Not technique not fancy feet exercises, STRENGTH.

One analogy to explain where I am coming from is this. A formula 1 driver, now I’m no formula 1 enthusiast or expert, but I’m sure they do A HELL of a lot of technical skills based training, to control the car, to know when to speed up and how to overtake etc. Now, if you take the guy with a shit load of skill & put him in a crappy, 3 wheeler car, and put him against guy with average skill and a top formula 1 car 0-60 in about 2 seconds and top speed of about 300 mph. I know who my money’s on.

Of course, if you take the f1 driver out of his shitty 3 wheeler, supe up the car to a real f1 car he’s guaranteed to be 10x faster. But the fact is, to begin with it’s better to have the physical side than the skills based side.

Anyway, back to training. If you cant do 1 chin up, if you can’t do 10 push ups, don’t waste time on technique and looking an the positioning of your ankles or your elbows, start with strength.

Think about it; we’re aiming to change your body for the better, get the good car and THEN learn to drive.

Good luck

Joe Crawford